Create a flow

Easily create a visual chatbot for different tasks, such as chat routing, customer support, and task automation

Click Turn on Flow Builder to activate it in SleekFlow 2.0.

1. Create a new flow

2. Start from scratch / Select a template

Start creating your automation flow from scratch or use a template.

A. Start from Scratch

Design and customize your flow to meet your needs.

B. Apply a Template Flow

There are SIX flow templates available. Each template represents different scenarios and can be customized by adding conditions and actions to suit your needs.

  1. Out of business hour

  2. Welcome message

  3. Keyword

  4. Chatbot Template

  5. Idle customer

  6. Invalid reply

Remember to click Save as draft or Publish to save your progress.

3. Start Point

To set the enrollment scenario of the flow, update the settings by clicking on the Start Point node.

A. Trigger

Determines how the flow starts and enrolls contacts who have met the trigger event.

  • Interaction Trigger: Based on sending or receiving messages, changing conversation status, or sending a webhook payload.

  • Contact Trigger: Based on creating or updating a contact.


Messaging channel for sending auto-messages to contacts.

C.Filter by condition

Primary condition filter to determine the flow's target audience.

Filter by condition feature is highly recommended to enable.

4. Node: Branching within the Flow

To add branches to achieve different purposes in different scenarios, click on the + icon to set conditions, actions or time delays.

A. Condition - If

Based on determined conditions such as channel type, and contact owner to segment and route enrolled contacts

Modify the condition(s) by clicking on the Condition node, such as changing the condition, adding conditions, and adding branches

Add branch button to add another condition and create a new branch

B. Condition - Else

If the contact does not match with determined conditions, they will be routed to the Else branch.

E.g. The contact will be routed to the Else branch if the contact owner exists.

C. Action

Use actions to send auto messages, assign conversations to staff, add/remove contacts from lists, and change contact fields to keep your customers engaged and updated.

Scenario: Sending Message

Modify the action by clicking on the Action nodes, such as sending messages, updating contacts, or managing conversations based on previous conditions from the Start point or other condition nodes.

You MUST select Specific channel if you want to use a template for sending auto-message

Button: Based on the button options set, it will generate branches accordingly and follow contacts to press to enrol on different branch

Save Reply: Allow you to save the enrolled contact's reply as the contact field data on the system or free-form variable within the flow

  • Save as contact field: Save the enrolled contact's reply as your contact field properties permanently

  • Save as variable: Save the response as the free-form variable WITHIN the flow and it will work immediately as long as the contact remains in the flow.

D. Time delay

You can use Time delay to set the running time of the upcoming condition or action nodes.

5. End of branch

A. Flow end

This marks the end of the flow where the enrolled contact completes and exits the flow.

B. Jump to

Use Jump to go back to other nodes to reroute to another point in the flow.

Flow Log

To view the Basic analytics of each flow, click on the view icon to see enrolled contacts, status in the flow, and time enrolled into the flow


  • Total enrolled

  • In progress

  • Completed

  • Failed

Last updated