Configure AI settings

Manage your preference and usage of SleekFlow AI

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

AI Settings is only available to:

  • Companies that are on a paid plan (i.e. Pro or above)
  • Users on Admin roles

The “AI Settings” page allows admin users to configure which AI-powered features to enable for their company. The changes made in “AI Settings” will be reflected for all users within the company account.

To access “AI Settings”, navigate to the “SleekFlow AI” page by clicking on the icon on the left navigation bar and then click on the “Settings” tab.

Activate/Deactivate AI features

You have the flexibility to determine which SleekFlow AI feature is activated on the platform by toggling the corresponding settings on or off. By default, all included features are toggled on and activated for companies with access to SleekFlow AI.

Usage limits for SleekFlow AI

All features under the SleekFlow AI (e.g. Smart reply, Writing assistant, etc…) share the same pool of usage credits. Each time a user clicks and uses a SleekFlow AI feature to generate or enrich their content, 1 credit is consumed. Each company with access to SleekFlow AI is given a monthly allowance of 2,000 AI usage credits, which resets at the beginning of each monthly usage cycle. We currently do not support topping up credits.