AI Writing Assistant

Enrich your writing using SleekFlow AI

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

“SleekFlow AI Writing assistant” allows you to enrich your draft messages using SleekFlow AI based on a variety of out-of-the-box or custom prompts. In this article, you will learn how to use the “AI Writing assistant” to enrich your replies to customers in the “Inbox” module.

Using AI Writing Assistant in Inbox

AI Writing Assistant is only available for:

  • Companies that are on a paid plan (i.e. Pro or above)
  • Companies that have the “AI Writing Assistant” feature activated in the “AI Settings”

To get started, type your draft message in the message text box in the conversation window, and the “AI Writing assistant” button will appear at the top right corner of the message compose field. The following sections will describe how you can make use of “AI Writing assistant”

Improve writing with AI Writing Assistant's out-of-the-box prompts

You will see a list of out-of-the-box enrichment options when you click on the “AI Writing assistant” button. Click on any of the options that best fit your need, and SleekFlow AI will generate an enriched reply based on your selected prompt. 

The following out-of-the-box prompts are currently available:

  • Grammar/spelling check
  • Change tone (professional, friendly, empathetic, authoritative, urgent, instructional)
  • Translate (English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Malay, Portuguese, Indonesian, Arabic)
  • Simplify content
  • Expand content
  • Shorten content
  • Turn into list (bullet points, numeric points)

Enrich writing with custom prompt

Alternatively, you can also input your own custom prompt if the provided out-of-the-box prompt options do not fully meet your content refinement needs or if you wish to provide more specific refinement instructions so that the SleekFlow AI can enrich your writing according to your requirements.

To customize your own prompt, click on the “Enter custom prompt” option from the “AI Writing Assistant” dropdown menu. You will then see the custom prompt’s text field element appear above the message text box  where you can type in your custom prompt, such as “write in a friendly, yet professional tone”. Once you have entered your prompt, you can click on the button or press on the “Enter” key on your keyboard and the SleekFlow AI will generate an enriched response based on your custom prompt. 

Use the generated response for your message

Once the SleekFlow AI has completed enriching your reply based on your selected prompt, you can choose to perform the following actions:

  1. Discard: You can click on the “Discard”button if you no longer wish to use the enriched reply. The message text box will be reset to the previous state before you click on the “AI writing assistant” button. 
  2. AI writing assistant: If you wish to refine the generated response, you can click on the “AI Writing assistant” button to choose a different enrichment option or provide another custom prompt.
  3. Confirm: When you believe that the generated reply is suitable, you can click on the “Confirm”  button and the generated reply will be inserted into the message text box that you can send as a message to your customer.