Manage conversations

Learn how to pin, snooze, close, and unread conversations in Inbox

Written By Iqmal ()

Updated at July 29th, 2024

In Inbox, you can carry out a variety of actions to manage your conversations effectively. This article will outline how to pin, snooze, close, and unread conversations. To access the conversation actions menu, hover on any conversation in the conversations list to the left of your inbox and click the icon.

Pin conversation

Highlight and prioritize important conversations by selecting "Pin conversation" in the actions menu. 

When you pin a conversation, it will appear at the top of the conversations list to remain visible and accessible at all times. You are able to pin multiple conversations. When a conversation is pinned, a icon is displayed on the top right corner of it in your conversations list.

To unpin a conversation, click "Unpin conversation" within that conversation’s actions menu.

Open/close conversation

Use the "Open" or "Closed" status to indicate which conversations have been resolved, and which still need to be addressed.

To close a conversation that is currently open, click "Close conversation" within the actions menu.

To reopen a closed conversation, click "Open conversation" within the actions menu.

Please note there is a status filter at the top of your conversations list in Inbox. Only conversations that match the status selected in your filter will be displayed in your conversations list.

Snooze conversation

Use the "Snooze" function to temporarily remove a conversation from your list of open conversations, allowing you to focus on more urgent and time-sensitive conversations. Snooze a conversation by following the steps outlined below:

  1. Select "Snooze conversation" in the conversation’s actions menu
  2. A pop-up will appear for you to input a specific date and time when the snooze period will expire

  3. Once you have input a snooze expiration date and time, click "Apply"

While a conversation is snoozed, it will be removed from your list of "Open" conversations. To access snoozed conversations, select "Snoozed" in the status filter at the top of your conversations list.

Once a conversation's snooze period expires, the system will automatically reopen it and add an internal note in the conversation with the word “Reminder”

To unsnooze a conversation, you can reopen it at anytime by accessing the conversation’s actions menu.

Mark as read/unread

When you click into a conversation with new messages, our system will automatically mark the conversation as read. To update this status or remind yourself to read it again later, you can update the status in the conversation action menu to unread.