Locate conversations

Learn how to locate conversations with keywords, sorting, filters, assignment and conversation status

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 29th, 2024

Locating specific conversations might be challenging if you are dealing with a high volume of them. In this article, we will outline the different ways you can locate conversations.

Search with keywords

An effective way to search for a conversation is to use keywords. To locate conversations with specific keywords, simply input the keyword into the search bar.

Results will display the matched keywords in contact names and messages. If you click into a contact result, it will bring you to the conversation of that contact. If you click into a message result, it will direct you to the particular message in the conversation where the keyword is found. 


Use the sorting feature to help organize your conversations based on when you've had them.

You have the option to sort conversations either "From oldest to newest" or "From newest to oldest". Conversations will be displayed according to the order you select. 


You can locate your conversations by using the filter feature. Click on the filter icon to apply filters of different properties together to locate the conversations you want. We will outline the 4 different types of filters available. 


The unread filter allows you to only see conversations with unread messages. This is an effective way to list out all conversations that need to be followed up on.


If you have multiple channels and want to view conversations in specific ones, you can filter conversations with the "Channel" option. Only one channel can be selected with this filter at a time. 


Using labels to filter your conversations is a good way to locate them, since you can customize labels and add them to your conversations freely. The "Labels" filter will organize conversations based on all the labels you select.


If you want to locate conversations that a specific team member is assigned to or is collaborating on, use the "Members" filter to list out all of their associated conversations. Only one member can be selected in this filter at a time. 

View by conversation status

You can filter and view conversations according to their conversation status via the "Open", "Snoozed", and "Closed" tabs at the top of the conversation list.

Open, snoozed, and closed

At the top of the conversation list, you will find that conversations are grouped under their conversation status. Open conversations will be displayed by default, and if you want to view conversations that are snoozed or closed you can switch tabs to view them. A count is also present next to each status to indicate the number of conversations with that status for you to easily keep track of.

View by assignment status

To make sure conversations are taken care of in a timely manner, you can view conversations by their assignment status as well. 

Assigned and unassigned

Conversations that have no contact owners assigned will be displayed under "Unassigned", and conversations with a contact owner assigned will be displayed under "Assigned".