Assigning conversations

Learn how to assign conversations to yourself, other users, and teams

Written By Iqmal ()

Updated at July 29th, 2024

You can manage your contacts and assign them to specific owners in Inbox. Outlined below are the various contact assignment methods available.

Contact owner

Each contact can be assigned a contact owner, who is responsible for managing all conversations with them. Contact owners have full visibility and control over their assigned contacts. Details of the contact owner will be displayed below the contact’s name within their conversation. To assign or change a contact owner, click the dropdown to open the assignment panel, where you’ll see different assignment options.

Assign to an individual

Through the assignment panel, you can assign contacts to specific users in the following ways:

  • Assign to yourself
  • Assign to specific user via a team
  • Assign to specific user

Assign to yourself

To directly assign a contact to yourself,  select "Assign to me" in the assignment panel.

Assign to specific user via team

If you wish to assign a contact to a user within a specific team, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Select “Assign via team” in the assignment panel
  2. Select the team the user you’re looking for is part of
  3. On the menu that appears on the right, select the user you would like to assign as the contact owner

Alternatively, you also have the option to let the system decide which team member in the selected team should be assigned as the contact owner. Do this by selecting "Auto assign by queue" in the menu that appears on the right, and the system will automatically assign a user within the selected team using a round-robin mechanism.

Assign to a specific user

If you wish to assign a contact to a specific user within the company, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Select "Assign to user" in the assignment panel
  2. On the menu that appears on the right, select the user you would like to assign as the contact owner

Assign to team Inbox

You can assign a contact to an entire team’s inbox without directly assigning them to a specific team member. Conversations related to this contact will appear within the team inbox of the selected team, where all members will be able to view the conversation until it is assigned. To assign a contact to a team inbox, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Select "Assign via team" in the assignment panel
  2. Select the team that you would like to assign the contact to
  3. On the menu that appears on the right, select "Assign to team inbox"

The system will automatically assign the first team member who messages this contact in the team inbox as the contact owner.

Unassign conversation

To remove the current assigned owner from a contact, select "Unassign conversation" in the assignment panel.