Adding and removing collaborators

Learn how to add and remove collaborators from conversations

Written By Iqmal ()

Updated at July 29th, 2024

Collaborators are team members that can assist in managing conversations associated with a contact. Like contact owners, collaborators will get notified and be able to reply to new messages. There is no limit to the number of collaborators you can assign to a contact.

Add collaborator 

To assign collaborators to a contact, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click the icon on the top right of a conversation 
  2. A list of all users will appear, categorized by teams
  3. Select all the users you wish to add as collaborators to the contact, and click “Add collaborators”

  4. The avatars of users who have been added as collaborators will appear at the top of the list under "Collaborators"

  5. Avatars of these users will also appear on the top right corner of the the conversation with the contact

Remove collaborator

To remove a collaborator from a contact, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click the icon on the top right of a conversation
  2. In the dropdown that appears, collaborators that have been assigned to the contact will be displayed under "Collaborators"

  3. Click on the red circle on the top right corner of the collaborator's avatar to remove them