Inbox navigation

Learn how to navigate SleekFlow's Inbox

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

This article will guide you through navigating SleekFlow's Inbox and managing your conversations.

Inbox panel

Here you will find the following sections:

  • My inbox: all conversations that are marked as "Assigned to me", "Collaborations", and "Mentions". An unread count will be present in these tabs to keep track of any unread conversations.
  • Company Inbox: all conversations and team-specific inboxes that you have access to

Assigned to me

Conversations you are the owner of will be under this tab. 


Conversations you are a collaborator on will be under this tab. An unread count will be present to keep track of any unread conversations.


Conversations where you are mentioned in an internal note will be under this tab. These conversations will last for 48 hours, after which you will not be able to see them anymore. An unread count will be present to keep track of any unread conversations.


The “All” tab displays all the conversations you can access, and it varies by role: 

  • Admin - You can view all conversations from the company. 
  • Team admin - You can view all conversations assigned to you or that you are collaborating on, all unassigned conversations of the team, and the conversations assigned to members of your team.
  • Staff - You can view all unassigned conversations and conversations assigned to you or that you are collaborating on. 

Team inboxes

The conversation list is located next to the Inbox panel, where all conversations based on the tab you select are displayed.

There are 3 conversation status: “Open”, “Snoozed”, and “Closed”, in which you can filter conversations by status. You can also sort, filter, and search for conversations. 
On each conversation list, you can view the details regarding the conversation and last message received, such as the contact name, channel type, message type, content, timestamp, status, and unread message count. 


Conversation control panel

Next to the conversation list, you can see the conversation control panel at the top where the messages are shown. 
Here you can find the contact name, who the conversation is assigned to, and the list of collaborators. You can assign, close, snooze, and pin conversations here. You can also expand and collapse the contact information panel on the right side. 

Message window

Below the conversation control panel is the message window where you can toggle the channel filter dropdown to see messages sent by customers from different channels. You will see the messages sent between SleekFlow and the customer. At the bottom of the message window, you will also see any information related to the conversation windows for different channels.

Message text box

Beneath the message window is the message textbox where you can craft and send your messages. Under  “Reply",you can send text, media, template messages, and scheduled messages. More details related to crafting and sending messages will be covered here. You can also switch to “Internal note” to communicate within your company and mention users by tagging and notifying them internally. If you have connected more than 1 channel, you can also choose which channel to reply with.

Contact information panel

On the right side of the message window is the contact information panel, where you can find information related to your contact. You may read more about this panel here