Company details

Manage your company's SleekFlow account settings

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

In this article, we will guide you through managing your company’s SleekFlow account settings, including updating your company name.

Note on permissions

Only admin and team admin users can access and update your company's SleekFlow account settings.


Manage your company's information

Access the page to update your company's information by following the steps outlined below:

  • Click on the icon in the bottom left corner to access the General Settings page
  • Within the “General Settings” page, Click “Company details” (Under “Company Settings”)

Within the “Settings” tab of “Company details”, you can manage your company name and your company’s time zone.

Note on time zones

The SleekFlow platform has 2 time zone concepts: "Company Time Zone" and "Personal Time Zone.". You can refer to this article to learn more about “Personal Time Zone”.

Company and personal time zone configurations are used by the system when scheduling time-sensitive features such as scheduled broadcasts or inbox messages. When users set up these features, the system will first use the user’s Personal Time Zone to determine the proper scheduling. If a user does not have a "Personal Time Zone" configured, the system will fall back to using the "Company Time Zone".