Setting up a Company account

Create a company account to start using SleekFlow

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

To create a company account on SleekFlow, follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1 - Head to the SleekFlow signup page

Head to our signup page by clicking here.

Step 2 - Create a personal SleekFlow account

On the signup page, you can register for a personal SleekFlow account using 1 of the following 3 methods:

  1. Username, email, and password
    Please note the following field requirements under this approach to registering for a personal SleekFlow account:
  • Username - Can only contain alphanumeric characters
  • Password - Must contain 8 characters and any 3 of the following:
    • Special characters (!@#$%^&*)
    • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
    • Numbers (0-9)

2. Sign up with Google account

3. Sign up with Apple account

Step 3 - Fill in your company's information

If the personal details you have filled in Step 2 are not tied to an existing account, the system will set up your personal account and immediately direct you to a page to provide more details about yourself (e.g. your name and contact number), as well as additional information about your company.

Once you have completed the above steps, both your personal and your company's SleekFlow accounts will be created and ready for use. Please also note that you will automatically be assigned as an Admin of the company account.