Tracking broadcast performance

Learn how to monitor and analyze the effectiveness of your broadcast campaigns

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 30th, 2024

This article will outline how to monitor the performance of your broadcast campaigns, so you can gain insights on areas for improvement or engagement optimization. 


Viewing broadcast analytics

To view the analytics of a published broadcast: 

  1. Click on it in the table on the "Broadcasts" main page to access its settings page

  2. Click on the "History" tab


The "History" page consists of the following sections:

  1. Broadcast message delivery status - An overview of the broadcast message delivery statuses. The table below outlines the different statuses and what they mean:
 Message delivery status Description
Sent The total number of contacts the broadcast was successfully sent to from SleekFlow
Delivered The total number of contacts that have successfully received the broadcast
Read The total number of contacts that have read the broadcast
Replied The total number of contacts that have received broadcast and replied to it within 3 days
Failed The total number of contacts the broadcast failed to send to

⚠️ Some message delivery statuses may not be available on certain channels. 
For example, WeChat, SMS, and Telegram do not have “Read” message delivery status and you won’t be able to view any “Read” analytics for broadcasts sent via the mentioned channels.


             2. Filtering options - Filter broadcast recipients to view them by message delivery 

             3. Broadcast audience table - View broadcast recipients in the table. Each column 
             represents recipient details where you can view their contact name, message 
             delivery status, phone number, labels, last updated time, and remarks (for “Failed” 
             statuses only).


Use the left and right arrow buttons at the bottom of the table to navigate between pages of the table.

Managing broadcast recipients

You can add recipients from the table in the "History” page to a contact list to perform follow-up actions (for example, adding recipients with a failed message delivery status to a list for manual follow up).

Add recipients to a list by:

  1. Selecting the recipient(s) you want to add to a list in the table
  2. Click "Add to list" in the table action header

Exporting broadcast history

You can export a broadcast's history as a .CSV, with the exported file showing all of the recipients and their broadcast message delivery status. Export a broadcast's history as .CSV by: 

  1. Going to the broadcast settings page of the broadcast you want to export 
  2. Click on the "Export .CSV" button at the top right of the page


Alternatively, you can also export a broadcast's history as a .CSV by:

  1. Going to the "Broadcasts" main page and locating the broadcast in the table 
  2. Hover on it, click on the icon, and then select “Export .CSV”