Get to know SleekFlow's Inbox features

Get to know different sections of SleekFlow's Inbox

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Before you start a conversation with your customer, you may check the limitations of each channels’s supported message types, rules of initiating conversation here, conversation window here .

Display name

Display name feature is only available on WhatsApp channels


In WhatsApp channels, you can choose to display your username in the messages you send to your clients by enabling the “display sender’s name” toggle in the user’s panel. In this way, the contact will be to see your name right in the message. 


The reply tab is where you can craft and deliver personalized messages directly to your customers.

Internal notes

This internal note tab is where you can send internal notes and mention team members in your company account in different conversations.

An internal note is a type of message that is only visible among the agents in the company and will not be received by your customers. Select the Internal Note tab next to the reply tab, and you can start typing and sending your internal note here. You can also use @ in the internal note to notify users within the company on particular comments left in the conversation with your customers. 

Schedule messages

When crafting a message in the reply tab, you may see a “clock icon” next to the send button. Here you may select a time and date in the future to send out the message.

Saved replies

If you have faced similar inquiries and want to reply with standardized messages, you may create “Saved replies” in your comapny inbox settings. After the saved reply is created, you can access it in the message textbox and reuse these replies when crafting messages with ease. Saved replies support both media and text.