Troubleshooting your flows

Learn how to identify and resolve errors in your flows

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 20th, 2024

This article will outline how to use the flow log to troubleshoot your flows. The flow log enables you to have visibility into the execution status of each enrollment into a flow, allowing you to monitor the performance of your flows and troubleshoot any issues.


Flow logs

To access the logs for a flow, go to the flow’s editor and click on the "Log" tab in the top bar. 


The flow log page consists of the following sections:

  1. Filtering options
    You can filter the logs by enrollment status and enrollment date to locate a desired enrollment record(s).  To filter by enrollment date, you can change the date range to see the enrollments that occurred within the selected date range. To filter by enrollment status, simply click on the data cards and the flow log list would display enrollments with the respective status.
  2. Enrollment status statistics
    You can see an overview of the distribution of statuses for all enrollments into the flow, such as "Total enrollments", enrollments "In progress", “Completed” enrollments, enrollments that are "Blocked", “Failed” and "Removed" enrollments. 
  3. Enrollment table
    You can look through the enrollment records and logs in the table. 
    Each row represents an enrolled contact where you can view the following details:
    1. Contact name
    2. Enrollment status
    3. Remarks 
    4. Enrollment time
    5. Last updated time

You can use the left and right arrow buttons at the bottom of the table to navigate between pages of the enrollment logs table. 

Enrollment status

The enrollment status indicates the current state of an enrolled contact in the flow. This information enables you to monitor enrollments and ensure your flows are functioning as intended.

The table below outlines the different enrollment statuses you might encounter, and defines what each status means:

Status Description
In progress The contact is currently going through the flow. This means the flow has begun executing its actions and is working towards completion.
Completed The contact has completed all the nodes in the flow. All actions have been executed without any errors.
Blocked The contact is blocked from being enrolled into the flow as they may not have met the conditions for enrollment, or the enrollment is suspected to be abnormal or unintended
Failed The contact has encountered an error and was unable to successfully complete the flow. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as missing data, incorrect flow configuration, or a system error.



The contact has been removed from the flow enrollment. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as contact was manually removed from the flow, or changes were made to the original flow mid-enrollment.


Enrollment remarks

The flow log will display the corresponding remarks for enrollments with “Failed” or "Blocked" statuses to help you identify and troubleshoot issues within your flows.

The table below explains the various remarks that you might see in the flow log, along with their meanings:

Remarks Description
Failed at node The contact failed to complete the flow due to an issue with a specific node or step within the flow. This could be caused by missing data, a configuration problem, or a system failure at that point in the flow.
Internal error An unexpected system-level error occurred that prevented the contact from successfully completing the flow
Flow updated while status was "In progress" The flow was updated while the contact was still in progress of completing the flow
Flow disabled ​​The flow was manually disabled and unpublished, causing the contact to fail in completing the flow
Failed at node due to suspected infinite loop within the flow  The contact encountered a scenario where the flow logic puts them in an infinite loop, preventing them from completing the flow
Too many enrollment attempts in a short period of time The contact had to be stopped due to too many enrollment attempts within a short timeframe
Blocked according to re-enrollment settings The contact was blocked from completing the flow due to the re-enrollment settings configured for the flow