Connecting Facebook Messenger to SleekFlow

Connect your Facebook page with SleekFlow, view, and reply to messages in your team inbox.

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 6th, 2024

Setting up Facebook Messenger

To connect Facebook Messenger, you will need the following:

  • A Facebook account
  • A Facebook Page to link to the SleekFlow platform

When a visitor sends you a message on Facebook, it will show on your SleekFlow Inbox.

If you have not created a Facebook Page for your business, click here for more detailed instructions from Facebook.


Connect Facebook Messenger to SleekFlow

Navigate to Channels. Click the “Add” button next to “Facebook”.

Click “Install”, and you will be redirected to Facebook to grant permission.

Continue with your Facebook Profile. If you have not signed in yet, please enter your Facebook log-in credentials to continue. 

Select the Facebook page that you would like to connect to SleekFlow.

Click "Done" after checking all the permissions are granted.

Click "OK" to finish the authorization process.

Congratulations! Your SleekFlow account is now connected to Facebook.


Sync Facebook History

Click "Action" > "Sync History" to sync your existing contacts and conversations from your Facebook page.

Upon syncing your Facebook history to SleekFlow, all future messages sent to your Facebook Page will appear in SleekFlow's Inbox.

SleekFlow will first load your 10 latest conversations to the platform. Please wait patiently while the conversations start appearing in the inbox.

Sync History will retrieve the last 100 contacts and conversations from your Facebook.


7-day reply window

"Human Agent" Message Tag

By Default, you have up to 7 days to reply to a customer's inquiry.

Time counts are determined from the "Last Contact (Time) from Customer". If the customer happens to send a new message, the 7-day reply window count will be reset.

Account update message tag

After 7 days, all messages sent on Facebook Messenger will be tagged with the account update tag. 

Facebook requires all users to strictly follow the rule: businesses are not allowed to send any promotional materials with these tags.


Learn more about Facebook Message Tag by visiting our blog: Ultimate guide to the new Facebook message tags

Frequently asked questions

Can I request older conversations to load into SleekFlow?

Yes. You can click "Action" and "Sync History" to retrieve your 100 most recent conversations.

For other conversations, the older messages shall appear when the contact sent a new message to you. 


What should I do if Facebook messages do not appear?

These happen when page permissions are dropped by Facebook if the Facebook Page admin changes their password or due to other unexpected reasons.

Please disconnect the channel and repeat the setup steps above to grant permissions again.

Can I use automations on Facebook Posts? 

Yes! SleekFlow now supports auto reply and direct message on post comments. Refer to this guide below to do the settings!