Manual enrollment triggers

Learn how to set up manual enrollment trigger in Flow Builder

Written By Ray Tang (Administrator)

Updated at September 11th, 2024

The "Manual enrollment" trigger allows you to manually enroll individual contacts or entire contact lists into a flow. Whether you're escalating a customer’s issue to provide faster support, or selecting participants for an exclusive VIP marketing campaign, this feature is ideal for initiating a tailored workflow to meet your unique needs.

Setting up the "Manual enrollment sent" trigger

  1. Click on the node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

  2. The node form contains the following fields for you to set up the trigger:
  • Enrollment conditions: When toggled on, you can set specific conditions that a contact must meet to be enrolled in the flow, even if manually selected for enrollment.

Enrolling contacts manually into a flow

You can manually enroll contacts into a flow using one of the following methods:

  1. Enroll via modal after publishing the flow:

Once you publish the flow, a modal will appear. In this modal, you can select individual contacts or contact lists to enroll. Click on the "Enroll” button to confirm your selection.

        2. Enroll via the flow list page:

On the flow list page, click the "Enroll Contacts" button next to the desired flow that has a manual enrollment trigger. 

A modal will appear where you can select individual contacts or contact lists to manually enroll into the flow and click on the “Enroll” button

After completing these steps, the system will automatically enroll the selected contacts into the flow.