Managing your flows

Learn how to manage flows in the flow list table

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 30th, 2024

You can view and manage all the flows created within your company in the “Flow Builder” module. This guide will provide you with an overview of how you can manage your flows.

Flow list overview

The "Flow Builder" main page consists of the following:

  1. Turn on/off Flow Builder - You can turn Flow Builder on/off here
  2. Active flows limit - You will be able to view the number of active flows you have set up, and the active flow limit according to your company’s plan.  
  3. Filter and search for flows - You can use the filter and search bar to locate a flow in the flow list table 
  4. Create new flow - This button is the entry point for you to create a new flow. 
  5. Flow list table - You will be able to view all of the flows that are created in this table. Use the left and right arrow buttons at the bottom of the table to navigate between pages of the flow table.


Search for flows

Search and filtering options allow you to narrow down and locate any flow you are looking for. These options can work in tandem with one another to refine your search for flows.

You can search for flows by name using the search bar at the top left of the flow list table. Enter the flow name in the search bar and all relevant results will appear in the list table below.




You can sort the flow list table using filters to help locate a flow, the first filter being by flow status. The "Status" filter provides the following options:

  • All
  • Active
  • Draft

Created by

You can also filter flows using the "Created by" filter to view all flows created by a selected user. Click on the “Created by” filtering option to choose a user from the dropdown list. 


Last updated / Updated by

Use the "Last updated" by filter to view all the flows updated by a selected user. Click on the “Updated by” filtering option to choose a user from the dropdown list.



Use the date filter to find flows that were last updated within a selected date range. Click on the date filtering option to specify the date range from the date picker and click “Confirm” to apply the filter.


Reset filters

You can reset filters by clicking on the "Reset filter" button, setting the flow list table to the default view of showing all created flows. 


Duplicating flows

You can duplicate a flow by hovering on the row of the flow you wish to duplicate in the flow list table, clicking on the icon, and selecting “Duplicate”.

Deleting flows

You can remove a flow from “Flow Builder” using either of the methods below.

If you would like to delete a single flow, hover on the row of the flow you wish to delete in the flow list table, click on the icon, then select "Delete".


If you would like to delete multiple flows at once, click on the check box to the left of the flows that you wish to remove, then click “Delete” in the table’s header.