Connect Instagram to SleekFlow

Connect your Instagram account with SleekFlow. See and reply to messages in your team inbox.

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

In this article, we will guide you through how to Add Instagram as a Channel on SleekFlow.

Adding Instagram to SleekFlow

Step 1: Navigate to Channel > Instagram DM > Add

Step 2: Read the require permission, Click “Start”

Step 3: Confirm you have a Instagram Business account

Step 4: Confirm Instagram account connected to a Facebook Page

Step 5: Enabled “Allow access to Messages”

ℹ️ Enable "Allow access to Messages" in your Instagram "Setting" > "Privacy" > “Messages”


Step 6: Connect Instagram to SleekFlow

Step 7: Select your Instagram Business account

Step 8: Select Facebook page

Step 9: Grant all the access

Step 10: Congratulations! Your Instagram is added to SleekFlow channel!

✅ All future messages sent to your Instagram will now appear on the SleekFlow Platform.