Managing your broadcasts

Discover the components of the "Broadcasts" main page, and how to duplicate or delete broadcasts

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 30th, 2024

You can view and manage all broadcasts created within your company in the "Broadcasts" main page. This guide will provide you with an overview of how to manage your broadcasts on the main page.

Understanding the “Broadcasts” page

On the "Broadcasts" main page, you will find the following:

  1. Create new broadcast button - The entry point to create and publish a new broadcast
  2. Broadcast name - A list of the names of all your broadcasts
  3. Channel - The selected messaging channel for a broadcast 
  4. Status - The current status of a broadcast campaign. The statuses and their meanings are outlined in the table below:
Status Description
Draft Broadcasts saved as a draft can be further configured, and have not been sent
Scheduled You have scheduled the broadcast to be sent at a later time. Modifications to the broadcast content and settings can still be made before it’s sent.
Sending The broadcast is in the process of sending messages to the selected audience
Sent The broadcast has completed sending all messages to the audience. You may access the broadcast's history and analytics to view its performance.

You have stopped a broadcast with a “Sending” status from sending messages. Resume the broadcast to continue sending messages to the audience.

Do note that you are unable to modify the content of a "Paused" broadcast. 

         5. Analytics - A summary of the broadcast campaign's messaging performance. For more information regarding broadcast message statuses, click here.
         6. Created/Updated info - The creation and latest update date of a broadcast, as well as the user who created the broadcast


Duplicating broadcasts

You can duplicate a broadcast by: 

  1. Going to the "Broadcasts" main page, and hovering on the broadcast you wish to duplicate in the table 
  2. Click on the icon, and select "Duplicate


All the configurations and settings of the original broadcast will be copied over to a new broadcast. The new duplicate broadcast will have a "Draft" status.

Deleting broadcasts

You can delete a broadcast by:

  1. Going to the "Broadcasts" main page, and hovering on the broadcast you wish to delete in the table 
  2. Click on the icon, and select “Delete"


Deleting a broadcast cannot be undone, and you will no longer be able to reference the broadcast's settings and history once it is deleted.