This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.
This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.
24-hour conversation window
A 24-hour period during which user can reply to customers through session messages on the Official WhatsApp Business API. After this period, a pre-approved Template message is required to reopen the conversation for further responses.
24 小時對話時限
用戶可以在 24 小時內透過官方 WhatsApp Business API 直接回覆客戶的訊息。若超過 24 小時,則需使用預先批准的範本訊息才能重新開啟對話以進行進一步回應。
Action node
Action node is a component in Flow Builder. It performs specific tasks when triggered, such as automate responses, update contact information, manage conversations, and integrate with external systems etc.
Add-on refers to additional subscription options available for purchase alongside plan subscriptions. Currently SleekFlow offers add-ons regarding user accounts, contact storage and flow enrollments.
AI agent
SleekFlow’s AI-powered assistant designed to streamline workflows, automate tasks, and interact with customers.
AI handover
A feature in SleekFlow that facilitates the seamless transfer of customer conversations from the AI agent to a human agent. AI handover provides a summary of the AI agent's prior interactions with the customer, enabling the human agent to pick up the conversation with full context.
AI Knowledge Base
AI knowledge base allows you to upload materials about your company and its products. You can build an information library where the SleekFlow AI exclusively learns from.
AI Smart Reply
AI Smart Reply allow user to generate responses in conversations based on the recent conversation history and knowledge from the source materials uploaded to the AI Knowledge Base.
AI Smart Summary
A feature in SleekFlow’s Inbox that uses AI to generate concise summaries of long conversations, enabling users to quickly understand the main points and context of a chat. This helps improve response efficiency and maintain continuity in customer interactions.
AI Writing Assistant
AI Writing Assistant allow user to enrich the draft messages based on a variety of out-of-the-box, such as grammar and change the tone of voice of the messages. You can also enter custom prompts.
AI 交接
SleekFlow 的智能對話轉接功能,允許客戶對話無縫從 AI agent 轉交至人工客服。當 AI 交接發生時,系統會提供 AI 先前與客戶的對話摘要,確保人工客服能快速掌握對話背景,提高服務效率。
AI 個性化設定
SleekFlow 內的AI 設定功能,允許用戶根據語氣、回覆長度、歡迎訊息等元素個性化 AI 回應。
AI 內部知識庫
AI 內部知識庫允許企業上傳與公司及產品相關的資訊,並建立專屬知識庫,讓 SleekFlow AI 參考此內容以提供更準確的自動回應。
AI 寫作助手
AI 寫作助手可協助用戶優化訊息內容,例如修正語法、調整語氣或根據特定場景產生更適合的回覆,提高訊息的專業度與可讀性。
AI 智慧回覆
透過 AI 智慧回覆,企業可根據近期對話紀錄及AI 內部知識庫的內容,自動產生更自然、精確的回應,提升客戶互動體驗。
AI 智慧摘要
SleekFlow Inbox 的AI 智慧摘要可自動生成對話重點,使用戶能快速掌握對話背景,提高回應效率,並確保客戶溝通的連續性與準確性。
A comprehensive dashboard to track and evaluate messaging performance and customer interactions. Users can review critical metrics such as the total number of conversations & newly added contacts etc.
Analytics tag
An analytics tag is a piece of metadata or a label used to track and categorize user interactions, events, or actions for data analysis purposes. In the context of digital platforms, it helps businesses measure performance, monitor behaviors, or attribute outcomes to specific campaigns or channels. Analytics tags are often used in tools like event tracking, ad performance analysis, or customer journey mapping to provide actionable insights.
API Keys
API keys are unique codes generated by the external platform that serve to authenticate access to its API, enabling seamless integration with SleekFlow's functionalities.
API 代碼
API 代碼是由外部平台產生的唯一程式碼,用於授權存取 API 並與 SleekFlow 功能整合,確保數據交換的安全性與流暢度。
Array of objects
A data structure in SleekFlow’s custom objects that holds multiple related records, each represented as an object. An array of objects allows for the storage and management of multiple entries under a single custom object, enabling complex relationships and data retrieval.
Assignment status
The current state of a conversation that determines who can view, search for, and send messages within it. Assignment status affects the level of access and control other users have over the conversation.
Away message
An automated message generated when the user is unavailable, such as during non-business hours or when away from the phone. The message can be customized, scheduled, and targeted to specific contacts based on predefined preferences.
The ability to create different branches within flow enrollment when using Flow Builder. It allows the user to define conditions or criteria that determine which path the flow should follow based on the input or current state.
A feature that allows a user to send a message simultaneously to a large group of recipients. Broadcasts can be used to efficiently distribute information, promotions, or announcements.
Business-initiated conversation
A conversation started by a business when no messages have been exchanged with a customer in the past 24 hours. These messages require a pre-approved WhatsApp template to reopen the messaging window.
Call-to-action button
A button that allows the user to perform an action by tapping it, such as making an apportionment or opening a link.
CAPI (Conversion API)
Meta’s Conversion API (CAPI) is a server-side tool that enables businesses to share customer actions, such as purchases or website visits, directly from their servers to Meta. This enhances ad tracking, optimizes campaign performance, and ensures data privacy by bypassing browser limitations like cookie restrictions.
Meta 的 Conversion API(CAPI) 是一種伺服器端數據傳輸工具,企業可透過 CAPI 直接從伺服器與 Meta 分享客戶操作數據,如購買行為、網站存取等。此技術可強化廣告追蹤、提升廣告優化效果,並在不依賴 Cookie 的情況下確保數據隱私。
Channel Secret
可在 LINE 開發者控制台的「頻道設定」頁面查詢,用於驗證 API 請求的合法性。
Child objects
Subordinate data entities within a custom object in SleekFlow, often organized as an array of objects. Child objects allow users to structure related information hierarchically, supporting complex data relationships and enabling detailed data retrieval and organization.
Click-to-WhatsApp ad (CTWA)
An interactive ad format that allows users to directly initiate a conversation on WhatsApp by clicking on the ad, enables quick access to businesses via WhatsApp messaging.
Click to WhatsApp (CTWA) 廣告
Click to WhatsApp (CTWA) 廣告是一種互動式廣告,允許客戶點擊廣告後直接在 WhatsApp 發起對話,透過即時訊息提升轉化率並加強企業與潛在客戶的互動。
A collaborator is a team member who helps manage conversations linked to a contact. They receive notifications and can respond to messages. There is no limit to the number of collaborators that can be assigned to a contact.
Commerce hub
Commerce Hub is a centralized platform that facilitates seamless management, integration, and optimization of e-commerce operations, including inventory management, order fulfillment, and sales channels.
Commerce Manager
A feature on Meta that allows user to manage multiple Facebook pages, business assets and as accounts, as well as Instagram accounts and product catalogs, in one place.
Company account
A company account in SleekFlow represents a central profile for your business, encompassing all the necessary details and settings to manage your team's interactions and customer engagements effectively.
Company inbox
All conversations including unassigned conversations can be viewed under company inbox.
A decision-making element in Flow Builder that evaluates enrollments based on set criteria, determining the path a flow will take. Conditions allow user to tailor response based on factors like contact properties and conversation status etc.
Contact list
A collection of contacts that allows businesses to organize and segment their audience. By adding contacts to different lists, users can classify them based on various criteria, such as demographics, engagement levels, or purchase history.
Contact owner
The designated team member responsible for a contact, with full access to the contact and all related conversations. New customers are unassigned by default, and assignments can be managed via the “Assigned to” button.
Contact property
Contact property refers to a specific information associated with an individual contact, such as their name, email address, phone number, or any custom fields. Contact property condition allows users to evaluate these attributes within flows, enabling personalized responses.
A feature that stores customers’ phone numbers and email addresses, enabling their use in broadcasts.
Conversation analytics
Conversation analytics provides insights into messaging interactions, helping businesses track performance, optimize response times, and understand customer behavior. It enables data-driven decisions to improve team efficiency and customer engagement.
Converstion analytics
A feature in SleekFlow that provides detailed insights into the performance of customer interactions and campaigns. It tracks and analyzes user actions, allowing businesses to measure the effectiveness of their messaging strategies and optimize for higher conversion rates.
Converstion tracking events
Specific user actions or milestones tracked within SleekFlow. These events help businesses will be used in Conversion Analytics, measuring the effectiveness of campaigns and workflows, providing actionable insights to optimize customer engagement and improve conversion rates.
Custom object
Custom object is a data entity that you can customize to address the specific data needs of your company. It allows you to create unique categories that represent various aspects of your operations, such as orders, memberships, or appointments.
Custom object key
A unique identifier used to distinguish custom objects from each other in the database.
Custom object list
A collection or grouping of custom object records within a specific object type. These lists allow users to view, search, and manage custom object data efficiently, providing a structured way to work with custom data sets tailored to the organization's needs.
Custom object properties
An attribute within a custom object, designed to capture specific details about that object. It can be thought of as pieces of information associated with the object, such as event data or name, to help identify and differentiate it from other custom objects.
Custom object record ID
A unique identifier assigned to each custom object record in SleekFlow, used to locate and reference specific data entries within custom objects. This ID enables seamless data management and retrieval.
Custom object records
An individual data entry within a custom object in SleekFlow, representing a unique instance of that custom object.
Custom persona
A feature in SleekFlow that enables users to personalize their AI agent by configuring elements such as tone of voice, agent name, reply length, and welcome message.
Custom store
In SleekFlow, “Custom Stores” refer to personalized e-commerce storefronts that businesses can create and manage within the platform. These stores allow users to showcase their products or services in a tailored way, enabling them to enhance customer engagement and improve the shopping experience.
Data masking
Data masking is a security feature in SleekFlow that protects sensitive information by hiding or encrypting specific data points in incoming messages, contact details, custom object properties, and records.
A dataset in the context of Meta ads refers to a collection of structured data used to optimize advertising campaigns. It may include audience demographics, engagement metrics, conversion rates, and other insights to help businesses target the right audiences and measure the effectiveness of their ad strategies.
Data source
A setting in SleekFlow’s Flow Builder that determines the origin of data used within automated workflows. By defining the data source, users can pull information from integrated platforms, custom objects, or user-defined inputs to personalize and direct flow actions.
Dedicated channels
Team members can only send and receive messages through the dedicated channel. If there is no dedicated channels, team members will have access to all channels.
Dynamic website
A website that generates content and interacts with users in real time based on user actions, preferences, or other variables.
Facebook Business Account
A Facebook account that specifically designed for people who want to manage advertisements and pages without having a personal profile.
Facebook Business Manager
Facebook Business Manager is a tool developed by Facebook to help businesses organize and manage their Facebook assets, such as Pages, ad accounts, and Instagram accounts, in a secure and centralized way.
Facebook Business Portfolio
A Facebook Business Portfolio is a feature within Facebook Business Manager that allows businesses to group and manage multiple ad accounts, Pages, and other assets under a unified structure. It streamlines organization, permissions, and reporting for teams handling diverse marketing campaigns or clients.
Facebook Lead Ads integration
Facebook Lead Ads integration in SleekFlow allows businesses to connect their Facebook Lead Ads campaigns to SleekFlow, streamlining lead management and engagement. Once integrated, leads generated from Facebook ads are automatically synced to SleekFlow, where they are added as contacts with relevant details
Facebook One-time Notification
A feature that allows businesses to send bulk messages to customers who have opted in for updates, such as product launches or back-in-stock alerts.
Facebook 一次性通知
Facebook 企業管理平台
Meta 提供的企業管理工具,可集中管理Facebook、Instagram 等數位資產,例如粉絲專頁、廣告帳戶、產品目錄,並設定團隊成員權限,確保企業數據安全與協作效率。
Facebook 名單型廣告整合
SleekFlow 與 Facebook 名單型廣告 (Lead Ads) 整合後,企業可將 Facebook 廣告自動同步到 SleekFlow,讓潛在客戶轉換為聯絡人,並開展後續溝通與跟進。
Facebook 商家資產群組
Facebook Business Manager 內的一項功能,讓企業統一管理多個廣告帳戶、粉絲專頁及其他資產,並可設定不同行銷活動的權限與報告機制,提高業務運營效率。
Facebook 商業帳號
Flow Builder
Flow Builder is a customer journey automation tool for chats. It allows you to design automated flow by capturing customers' behavioral cues such as initiating a chat or clicking an ad across different sources.
Flow enrollment
A flow enrollment occurs when a contact meets the flow’s trigger criteria and is therefore added to the flow. The enrolled contact will then proceed down the automated journey defined by the flow.
Flow log
Flow logs capture details about the activities performed by a flow in Flow Builder, including when actions are triggered, the data processed, and any errors encountered.
Flows within Flow Builder
In SleekFlow’s Flow Builder, flows are created to automate responses, decisions, and messaging across various scenarios. Users can start from scratch or use predefined templates to customize workflows that meet their business needs.
Flow variable
A stored set of data used with a flow to create conditional, dynamic branching in automated workflows. After data is saved as a flow variable in one part of the flow, the “Flow variable” condition can evaluate its value at subsequent stages.
Free-entry point conversation
Conversations initiated by customers through specific actions, such as clicking a Click-to-WhatsApp Ad or a Facebook Page CTA button. These conversations are free of charge and last 72 hours once the business responds within 24 hours. During this period, businesses can send any type of message without incurring additional fees.
Free-form message
A message that can be sent within a 24-hour customer service window on WhatsApp Business API through SleekFlow. If no conversation has occurred within the past 24 hours, a pre-approved template message is required to reopen the messaging window.
Graph API
Graph API is a programming interface that allows developers to access and interact with the data and resources of a social media platform, such as Facebook, in a structured and interconnected manner.
Greeting message
A reply that will be sent to the customer whenever they sign up/chat first.
Idle customer
Refer to a user who has not initiated any new conversations or responses within a defined period, or an unresponsive customer who, after receiving a message or query from the business, hasn’t provided a reply or taken any action.
Interactive message
A type of message that allows users to engage with and respond to specific prompts or actions within the message itself. It come in two formats: List Messages and Quick Reply Buttons.These messages can only be sent within 24 hours of the last customer interaction.
Internal notes
A type of message that is only visible among the agents in the company and will not be received by your customers. You can also use @ in the internal note to notify other teamates within the company. Internal notes can also be selected as a channel.
IP allowlisting
IP allowlisting is a security feature in SleekFlow that restricts access to your workspace by permitting only specific IP addresses. By implementing IP allowlisting, businesses can ensure only users connecting from authorized networks can access sensitive company data and features.
IP 允許清單
IP 允許清單是 SleekFlow 中的安全功能,它透過限制存取僅允許特定 IP 位址登入來限制存取。透過實施 IP 允許清單,企業可以確保只有從授權網路連線的使用者才能存取敏感的公司資料和功能。
Label is a tag you can assign to a contact to help categorize, organize, and manage your contacts. Labels enable you to segment contacts based on specific attributes, behaviors, or business needs, making it easier to trigger workflows, personalize communication, or filter contacts for targeted actions.
LINE channel ID
A unique identifier for a channel on the LINE Platform. It can be found on the “Channel settings” page of the LINE Developers Console.
LINE channel secret
A signature key for a channel on the LINE Platform. You can find the channel secret in the “Channel settings” page on the LINE Developers Console.
LINE 頻道的唯一識別碼,可在 LINE 開發者控制台的「頻道設定」頁面查詢。
List message
A type of message that provides customers a list menu of buttons with related options after getting a message prompt from them.
Live Chat Widget
The Live Chat Widget in SleekFlow is a customer support feature that enables businesses to chat with website visitors in real time. This widget can be embedded on a website, allowing customers to start conversations directly with a support or sales team.
Live Chat 即時聊天工具
SleekFlow 的即時聊天工具,讓企業能夠在網站上與訪客即時溝通。訪客可透過該小工具聯絡客服或銷售團隊。
Masking pattern
A predefined format used to conceal sensitive information within SleekFlow by partially or fully replacing it with obfuscated characters, created with regex pattern to help protect personal data.
Message opt-in
Message opt-in is a fallback solution that allows users to starting a conversation as quickly as possible if an end-contact is currently within the conversation window limitations set by Meta (outside of 24h conversation window).
Message payload
The content of a message sent or received in SleekFlow, typically structured in a specific format (e.g., JSON). The payload includes the actual data or information being transmitted, such as text, media, or metadata, within an API request or response.
Message tag
A feature used to send messages to Facebook Business Page contacts outside the 24-hour window. There are four types: Confirmed Event Update, Post-Purchase Update, Account Update, and Human Agent, which extends the window from 24 hours to 7 days.
Message timeout
A preset time limit for completing a specific action or process within a flow.
Messaging API for WhatsApp
A service provided by WhatsApp that allows businesses to integrate WhatsApp messaging capabilities with their own business systems and software.
Messaging limit
Maximum number of conversations that you can initiate per 24 hours. The limit will only change when WhatsApp has performed auto-scaling to increase or decrease the messaging limit. It will not change as you send messages via SleekFlow.
Meta Business Manager
Meta Business Manager (formerly known as Facebook Business Manager) is a free tool provided by Meta (formerly Facebook) that allows businesses to securely manage their online presence across Meta’s platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, from a single dashboard. It is primarily focused on organizing and controlling access to digital assets and managing permissions for team members, agencies, and partners.
Meta Business Suite
Meta Business Suite refers to a comprehensive set of integrated tools, services, and platforms offered by Meta (formerly Facebook) to help businesses effectively manage their online presence, advertising campaigns, customer engagement, and data analytics across various Meta-owned platforms and products.
Meta 企業管理平台
Meta(前身為 Facebook)提供的企業管理工具,企業可透過單一儀表板集中管理跨 Meta 平台(Facebook、Instagram、WhatsApp) 的數字資產、廣告、團隊權限等,提升數據安全與管理效率。
My contacts
Contacts that are assigned to me as "Contact owners".
My Inbox
The inbox that has all the assigned messages to me.
A visual block in Flow Builder representing specific actions, decisions, or tasks. Nodes allow users to customize and define the logic and functionality of a flow.
OBA (Official Business Account)
WhatsApp has determined that a notable and authentic brand owns this account. An "Official business account" has a green checkmark badge in its profile and next to the header in the chat thread.
An opportunity refers to a potential sales lead that has been qualified as someone who could benefit from your business’s product or service. It represent the stage where leads are actively considered for further engagement or conversion into customers.
OTN token
A unique token received when customers opt in for updates from a Facebook Business Page. It allows businesses to send a one-time notification to the customer, and the token expires after one use or within a year.
OTN token
當客戶選擇從 Facebook 商業頁面接收更新時,系統會發放的唯一識別令牌。企業可利用此令牌發送一次性通知(One-Time Notification, OTN),提醒客戶最新消息或特定更新。該令牌僅可使用一次,或在一年內自動失效。
The data that is sent to an external system's webhook. It can be previewed by clicking the Preview payload button in the node form. The payload's data structure will be displayed in JSON syntax in a modal.
Payment link
A unique URL generated by businesses. They can create and share payment links with customers via messaging channels, allowing them to make payments directly through the link. This enable customers to complete transactions without navigating to external platforms.
Permissions define the specific actions a user can perform and the data they can access within a workspace. They are the building blocks of role-based access control, determining the scope of a user’s rights, such as editing channels or viewing analytics.
Poll message
A feature from WhatsApp that can have a poll/voting from member of the group chat.
Primary property
A primary property is the main identifier for each record within a custom object. It serves as the key field that distinguishes one record from another. When creating a custom object, you can configure whether the primary property is auto-generated or manually entered.
Product catalog
A product catalog is a collection of items or services that can be listed, managed, and shared across messaging channels. This feature helps businesses streamline product management and sales interactions, making it easier to share shopping carts and engage with customers through SleekFlow’s messaging inbox.
Property key
A unique identifier used to distinguish properties from each other in the database. It will also be used for API call actions or when using third-party integration tools, to let the system know which custom object you want to operate on.
Property name
The title of each property in the custom object record.
Property type
Property type refers to the specific format or data structure assigned to a property within custom objects or contacts. Property types define how information is stored and displayed.
Quality rating
The WhatsApp Quality Rating is a metric used by Meta to evaluate the quality of messages that businesses send to their customers via WhatsApp Business API. It reflects customer satisfaction and engagement with a business’s messages and helps Meta monitor the overall customer experience on the platform. The rating ranges from High to Medium to Low and is based on factors like the frequency of user blocks, message reports, and negative feedback.
Quick reply
A pre-written messages that can be used to quickly respond to common customer questions. Please note that this is NOT “Saved reply” feature on SleekFlow.
Quick reply button
A button that businesses can tap to respond to a message with a predefined text message. You can add up to three quick reply buttons for each template message. Button text can be up to 20 characters, but emoji and variables are not supported.
Quick sharing link
A unique URL that allow user to share conversations or content with others outside of SleekFlow. This link can be shared via various channels, enabling recipients to access the shared information directly without needing a SleekFlow account.
Regex pattern
Regex patterns are used in data masking to identify and protect sensitive information by detecting specific data formats (like emails, phone numbers, or credit card numbers) within messages and records. This enables the platform to automatically hide or encrypt data that matches the pattern.
A feature that allows you to write notes about your customers. Remarks can only be viewed by your team members to help them better understand customer needs.
Role-based access control
A security framework in SleekFlow that allows workspace admins to assign specific roles and permissions to team members. This ensures that users can only access the features and data necessary for their role, enhancing workspace security and efficiency.
Roles acts as a container for permissions. Each role can include multiple permissions, and users assigned to a role automatically inherit all the associated permissions.
Salesforce is a CRM platform that, when integrated with SleekFlow, allows businesses to sync customer data seamlessly. Integrating Salesforce with SleekFlow enables users to connect their Salesforce customer database with SleekFlow’s messaging capabilities.
Salesforce account
A customer or business entity in Salesforce, representing the organization or individual you interact with. In SleekFlow, linking accounts enables teams to track communication and activities linked to these accounts.
Salesforce campaign
A marketing initiative or sales effort in Salesforce that can be synced with SleekFlow to enhance engagement tracking and better manage multi-channel campaigns from a unified view.
Salesforce contact
An individual customer record in Salesforce, detailing personal information and communication history. SleekFlow integrates these contacts, allowing seamless interaction tracking and personalized engagement.
Salesforce custom object records
Custom object records in Salesforce tailored to specific business needs, representing non-standard objects. In SleekFlow, these records can be integrated to enrich customer insights and support unique workflows.
Salesforce Journey Builder
A feature within Salesforce Marketing Cloud for creating automated customer journeys. In SleekFlow, users can leverage this integration to synchronize and manage customer touchpoints across multiple channels.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud
A suite of digital marketing tools in Salesforce for managing customer journeys and data-driven marketing. SleekFlow’s integration helps marketers coordinate Marketing Cloud campaigns with messaging and automation.
Salesforce package
An integration solution in SleekFlow that connects directly with Salesforce, allowing users to synchronize customer data, streamline workflows, and manage conversations across platforms.
Salesforce 封裝 (package)
SleekFlow 與 Salesforce 的整合方案,企業可透過該方案同步客戶數據、簡化工作流程,並透過 SleekFlow 平台管理跨平台的對話,提升 CRM 效率。
Salesforce 帳戶
Salesforce 內的客戶或業務實體,代表與企業有互動的個人或組織。在 SleekFlow 中,企業可連結 Salesforce 帳戶,讓團隊追蹤相關對話與活動,實現跨平台客戶管理。
Salesforce 營銷活動
Salesforce 內的行銷計劃或銷售活動,可與 SleekFlow 同步,幫助企業追蹤客戶參與度,並透過多渠道行銷統一管理業務行銷策略。
Salesforce 聯絡人資料
Salesforce 內的個人客戶記錄,包含客戶基本資料、互動歷史等資訊。SleekFlow 整合 Salesforce 聯絡人,讓企業能夠自動同步客戶數據,實現個人化對話與精準行銷。
Salesforce 自訂資料紀錄
企業可在 Salesforce 根據業務需求建立自訂數據記錄,用於存儲非標準化客戶資訊。SleekFlow 可整合這些記錄,讓企業獲取更深入的客戶洞察,並支援自動化工作流程。
Sandbox is a secure, isolated environment where users can safely test and experiment with features, workflows, and integrations without impacting live data or operations. This environment is ideal for prototyping, testing new automations, or troubleshooting potential issues before applying them to the actual workspace
Saved reply
A pre-written, reusable response that can be created in the company inbox settings to quickly reply to common inquiries. Saved replies can include both text and media, making it easier to handle repetitive messages efficiently.
Scheduled message
A message set to be sent at a specific time instead of immediately. Users can set a custom date and time for delivery.
Service conversation
A type of WhatsApp conversation in SleekFlow initiated in response to a customer inquiry or service request. Service conversations allow businesses to address customer needs within a set time frame, enhancing support and engagement on the WhatsApp channel.
SleekFlow AI
A suite of AI-powered features within the SleekFlow platform. SleekFlow AI helps businesses leverage their knowledge base to generate intelligent, context-aware responses and refine the tone and voice of customer communications, enhancing overall conversational effectiveness.
SleekFlow Lab
A dedicated space within SleekFlow where users can test and explore experimental or early-release features. SleekFlow lab allows user to gain insights into upcoming functionalities and provide feedback, helping shape future developments on the platform.
SleekFlow Platform API
SleekFlow Platform API enables businesses to create custom integrations and automate processes across multiple messaging channels, including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and LINE. The base API URL is
Snooze conversation
Notifications will be paused for that conversation when it is snoozed. When the customer replies to the conversation or the "snooze" period expires, the conversation will reopen.
Template message
A template that is required to send business initiated messages/broadcast to customers. Users can only send template that has been approved by WhatsApp.
A system that allow business to categorize and priortize tickets based on crtieria like urgency and issue type. It can assign issues to designated users or teams, and track the progress of each ticket to ensure customer needs is being addressed.
Time delay
A feature in the flow that allows users to introduce a pause or waiting period between actions or steps. By adding a "Time delay" node, users can control the timing of the process, ensuring specific intervals between events. The duration of the delay can be customized within the node's form.
An event or condition that initiates a workflow or automation sequence in the flow. Triggers are essential components that define when the flow starts, allowing automated actions to begin in response to specific customer interactions or predefined conditions within the Flow Builder.
Two-factor authentication (2FA)
A security measure that requires users to provide two different authentication factors to verify their identity. 2FA enhances security by adding an extra layer of protection, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
User-initiated conversations
Conversations initiated by customer. For this type of conversation, users can send free-form messages instead of just template messages.
A webhook is a HTTP callback. When a specified event occurs in one system, the webhook sends an HTTP request to a predefined URL in another system, allowing for seamless data exchange and integration.
WhatsApp Business account (WABA)
WhatsApp account for Business purposes. You will need a WhatsApp Business account if you want to connect WhatsApp to SleekFlow.
WhatsApp Business API
A solution that enables businesses to communicate with customers at scale through WhatsApp, supporting high-volume messaging and automated interactions.
WhatsApp Business Platform Cloud API
In SleekFlow, the WhatsApp Business Platform Cloud API allows businesses to integrate WhatsApp directly into the platform for seamless customer communication. By using Meta’s cloud-hosted API, SleekFlow users can manage WhatsApp messages within SleekFlow’s interface.
WhatsApp Business 商業帳號(WABA)
專為企業設計的 WhatsApp 帳號,企業可透過 WhatsApp Business API 進行大規模客戶通訊。若要將 WhatsApp 連接至 SleekFlow,企業需要擁有 WhatsApp Business 帳號。
WhatsApp catalog
WhatsApp Business app users can share their products and services with customers by creating a catalog, which is displayed on their business profile.
WhatsApp Flow button
A customizable button within a WhatsApp flow in SleekFlow that triggers specific actions, such as initiating a conversation, redirecting to a website, or performing a predefined task. It helps streamline interactions and guide users through automated workflows.
WhatsApp Flow 按鈕
SleekFlow 中 WhatsApp 流程中的可自訂按鈕,可觸發特定操作,例如發起對話、重定向到網站或執行預先定義任務。它有助於簡化互動並指導用戶完成自動化工作流程。
WhatsApp interactive message
WhatsApp Business API message feature with interactive buttons where contacts can select an option as a reply.
WhatsApp Manager
WhatsApp Manager is a platform that enables businesses or individuals to efficiently manage and interact with their WhatsApp messages, contacts, and other related functionalities.
WhatsApp 互動式訊息範本
WhatsApp Business API 訊息功能帶有互動式按鈕,聯絡人可以選擇一個選項作為回應
WhatsApp 官方商業帳號
WhatsApp 官方認證的企業帳戶,經 WhatsApp 確認的品牌帳戶將顯示綠色核實徽章,提升企業可信度與客戶信任度。
WhatsApp 產品目錄
WhatsApp Business 內建的產品展示功能,企業可建立商品或服務目錄,並透過 WhatsApp 與客戶分享,方便客戶直接瀏覽與選購。
WhatsApp 管理器
WhatsApp Manager 是一種帳號與訊息管理工具,使企業或個人能夠有效率地管理其 WhatsApp 訊息、聯絡人和其他相關功能並與之互動。
Working hours
A feature in SleekFlow that defines operational hours for customer support. It affects conversation analytics metrics by calculating response times and other data based on business hours.
Zapier is a web automation tool that connects apps and services to automate workflows. It allows you to connect SleekFlow with thousands of apps on Zapier, such as Google Sheet, Google Form, Shopify, and many more.
備註/ 聯絡人備註
客戶透過特定操作(如點擊Click-to-WhatsApp 廣告或 Facebook CTA 按鈕)發起的對話。企業若在 24 小時內回應,對話將自動延長至 72 小時,期間可免費發送任何訊息,無需額外費用。
僅團隊內部可見,客戶無法存取的訊息。可透過 @標註其他團隊成員進行通知,確保內部協作更順暢。
SleekFlow 中的公司帳戶是企業的中心檔案,包含管理團隊協作、客戶對話所需的所有關鍵資訊與設定,確保業務順暢運行。
協作者是負責協助管理聯絡人對話的團隊成員,擁有回覆訊息、接收通知等權限。SleekFlow 不限制指派給一個聯絡人的協作者數量。
Meta 提供的商務管理工具讓可企業統一管理 Facebook、Instagram 及其他 Meta 相關資產,包括粉絲專頁、廣告帳戶及產品目錄,提升跨平台業務管理效率。
WhatsApp 品質評級是 Meta 用於評估企業透過 WhatsApp Business API 發送給客戶的訊息品質的指標。評級範圍從高到中到低,基於用戶封鎖率、訊息投訴率和負面回饋等因素評級。此評級影響企業在 WhatsApp 平台的可信度,過低可能導致訊息發送受限或帳戶暫停。
企業在過去 24 小時內未與客戶交換任何訊息時所發起的對話。這些訊息需要使用預先批准的 WhatsApp 範本才能重新開啟訊息視窗。
SleekFlow 自訂物件內的從屬數據實體,允許用戶分層管理數據,支援複雜的資料關聯與高效檢索,確保業務數據結構清晰且易於存取。
Flow Builder 中表示特定操作、決策或任務的區塊。用戶可透過工作方框設計自動化流程邏輯,提升業務自動化能力。
SleekFlow 的營運時間設定功能,用於定義客戶支援的服務時段。此設定會影響對話分析指標,例如根據營運時間計算回應時間與其他數據,以確保準確評估客戶互動績效。
記錄 Flow Builder 中的流程執行歷史,包含觸發時間、處理數據、錯誤報告等資訊,幫助用戶監控與優化自動化流程。
自動化流程中的延遲功能,允許用戶在操作或步驟之間加入暫停或等待時間。透過新增 「延時觸發」工作方框,用戶可控制執行的時間間隔,確保流程符合預期的運行節奏。
允許用戶與 SleekFlow 以外的其他人分享對話或內容的唯一 URL。此連結可透過 WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、電子郵件等管道分享,無需 SleekFlow 帳戶即可存取共享資訊。
快速回覆是預先編寫的訊息,可用於快速回覆常見客戶問題。請注意,此功能不同於 SleekFlow 的「預存回覆訊息範本」功能。
一種可點擊的互動式按鈕,允許用戶透過預設回覆選項快速回應訊息。每個範本訊息最多可新增 3 個快速回覆按鈕,按鈕文字最多可包含 20 個字符,但不支援表情符號或變數。
WhatsApp 群組內的投票功能,允許成員針對特定問題進行投票,有助於收集意見與決策管理。
接受訊息邀請是一種後備解決方案,當客戶超過 Meta 設定的 24 小時對話視窗時,可透過此功能讓客戶選擇重新開啟對話,以便企業能夠繼續與客戶溝通。
在 SleekFlow 中為回應客戶查詢或服務要求而發起的一種 WhatsApp 對話。服務對話可幫助企業在指定時間內提供支援,提升 WhatsApp 渠道的客戶服務能力與互動體驗。
用戶存取權限,定義使用者可執行的操作與可存取的數據範圍。SleekFlow 採用用戶組別權限管理(RBAC),讓企業可設定不同層級的權限管理。
正規表達式 (regex pattern)
在 SleekFlow 中,正規表達式 (regex pattern) 用於資料屏蔽,透過偵測訊息和記錄中的特定資料格式(如電子郵件、電話號碼或信用卡號碼)來識別和保護敏感資訊。這使得平台能夠自動隱藏或加密與模式相符的數據
沙盒 (Sandbox)
沙盒是一個獨立且安全的測試環境,用戶可在其中測試新功能、流程或 API 整合,而不影響即時數據或正式運行的系統。適用於開發、測試自動化流程或故障排除。
產品目錄是一個可在多個訊息管道中列出、管理和分享的商品或服務集合。此功能可協助企業提升產品管理效率,簡化銷售流程,讓企業更輕鬆共享購物車,並透過 SleekFlow 的訊息收件匣與客戶互動。
由客戶主動發起的 WhatsApp 對話,企業可在此對話內發送自由格式的訊息,而不限於範本訊息。
SleekFlow 的安全管理框架,允許工作空間管理員為團隊成員指派特定用戶組別與其對應的權限。此功能確保用戶僅能存取與其用戶組別相關的功能與數據,提升工作區的安全性與管理效率。
SleekFlow 內專門追蹤用戶行為或關鍵節點的數據事件。這些事件將用於對話分析(Conversation Analytics),幫助企業衡量行銷活動與自動化工作流程的成效,提供可行的數據洞察,以優化客戶互動與提升轉化率。
SleekFlow 的對話數據分析功能,提供深入的客戶互動與行銷活動成效分析。該功能可追蹤與分析客戶行為,幫助企業評估訊息策略的有效性,並進一步優化行銷與轉化率。
SleekFlow 允許儲存客戶聯絡資料,此功能可與營銷廣播訊息整合,提升行銷與業務溝通效率。
Flow Builder 是 SleekFlow的客戶旅程自動化工具。它允許企業透過捕獲客戶的行為線索(例如發起聊天或點擊不同來源的廣告)來設計自動化流程。
在 SleekFlow 自動化流程 中,流程(Flow) 用於跨多種場景自動執行回應、決策與訊息傳遞。用戶可從零開始建立,或使用預設範本來快速設定自訂流程。企業可透過自動化流程減少手動操作,並優化客戶互動體驗。
企業可透過 SleekFlow 在 WhatsApp Business API 內的 24 小時客戶服務視窗發送自由格式訊息。若超過 24 小時未與客戶互動,需使用預先批准的範本訊息重新開啟對話。
SleekFlow 內的個人化電子商務店面,企業可在平台內建立並管理,讓客戶直接瀏覽與選購產品或服務,提升顧客參與度與購物體驗。
SleekFlow 自訂資料庫中的單一數據記錄,代表該物件的一個獨立條目,可用於業務數據存儲與管理。
自訂資料紀錄 ID
SleekFlow 自訂資料內的唯一識別碼,用於查找及引用特定的數據記錄,確保數據管理的準確性與高效檢索。
訊息 payload
在 SleekFlow 中傳送或接收的訊息內容,通常以特定格式(例如 JSON)建構。有效負載包括 API 請求或回應中正在傳輸的實際資料或訊息,例如文字、媒體或元資料。
允許企業在 24 小時對話視窗外向 Facebook Business Page 聯絡人發送訊息。訊息標籤有四種類型:已確認的活動更新、購買後更新、帳戶更新和人工代理,允許將對話視窗延長至 7 天。
每 24 小時可以發起的最大對話數量。此上限僅在 WhatsApp 自動調整規模時變更,不會因 SleekFlow 訊息發送量而改變。
WhatsApp 預先批准的訊息範本,用於商戶發起的對話(Business-Initiated Conversations),如營銷廣播等。用戶只能發送經過WhatsApp批准的模板。
SleekFlow Flow Builder 中的數據來源設定,用戶可自訂自動化流程的數據提取方式,從外部整合、內部自訂物件或手動輸入數據,以個性化工作流程。
每個資料欄位的唯一識別碼,用於區分數據庫中的屬性。此代碼可用於 API 呼叫或第三方整合工具,讓系統識別對應的自訂物件。
SleekFlow 內建的安全功能,可隱藏或加密敏感數據,如傳入訊息、聯絡人資訊、自訂物件屬性等,以保護企業與客戶的數據隱私。
在 Meta 廣告生態系統中,資料集指優化廣告活動的結構化數據集合,包含受眾人口統計、互動數據、轉換率等指標,幫助企業精準定位目標受眾,提升廣告投資回報率(ROI)。
SleekFlow 提供的數據安全功能,可透過正規表示式模式(Regex)自動隱藏或加密敏感訊息(如電郵、電話號碼、信用卡資訊),確保個人資料安全。
附加功能是指可額外購買的訂閱選項,用於擴展既有方案的功能。目前,SleekFlow 提供用戶帳戶及聯絡人儲存相關的附加功能,以提升業務靈活性。
SleekFlow 自訂資料中的資料結構,可以保存多個相關記錄,每個記錄都表示為一個資料。陣列資料允許在單一自訂資料下儲存和管理多個項目。
雙重身份認證 (2FA)
企業可在 SleekFlow 收件匣設置預先編寫的回覆範本,用於快速回覆常見查詢。支援文字與媒體附件,適用於客服、行銷與銷售團隊。