Configuring mobile settings

Learn how to manage mobile settings, including updating your personal profile, security settings, and system preferences.

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 11th, 2024

Update mobile settings

You can update your profile, and update your security settings and system preferences by heading to “My Profile” > “Settings”. You can check the sections below for your settings changes.


Personal profile

If you wish to update your personal info for your SleekFlow account, you can update them under “Personal profile”. Here are a list of items you can update there:

  • Name (First name, Last name)
  • Phone number
  • Team
  • Position
  • Time zone

Please note that you will not be able to update your username and email address.


Security settings

You can reset your password under “Security settings”. Follow the steps below to reset your password:

  1. Click “Reset password”
  2. Check your email for the reset password link
  3. Click “Change my password” in the email
  4. Change your password in the opened browser

System preferences

You can update the following system preferences under this section:

  • Language
  • Display name

By enabling display name, it will be shown in every message you send to your customers.


Advanced notification settings

You can customize the type of notifications you would like to receive in Advanced notification settings. 


Updating notification settings

You can follow the steps here to update your notification settings:

  1. Go to “My profile”
  2. Click on “Notification settings”
  3. If you previously disabled notifications from the SleekFlow mobile app, you are required to re-enable them in your device’s settings before updating the notification preferences

  4. When the “Allow Notifications” toggle is on, you can customize the types of notifications you receive on your device
  5. If “Allow notifications” is off, you will not receive any notifications


Notification types

Here are the types of notification settings you can customize:

  • New message: When toggled on, you will be notified when there are new messages in the conversations that you are assigned to or collaborating on
  • Mentions: When toggled on, you will be notified if you are mentioned in the internal notes of any conversations, including those that are not assigned to you or in which you are not collaborating
  • Internal notes: When toggled on, you will be notified when there is a new internal note added to any conversations that you are assigned to or collaborating on
  • Conversations assigned to you: When toggled on, you will be notified when you are assigned to a conversation as a contact owner
  • Added as collaborators: When toggled on, you will be notified when you are added to a conversation as a collaborator
  • Conversations assigned to team: When toggled on, you will be notified when a new conversation is assigned to your team’s inbox 
  • Snooze period expired: When toggled on, you will be notified when the snooze period for conversations you are assigned to or collaborating on expires.


In-app storage management

In-app storage management is a feature that allows you to monitor and control the storage space the SleekFlow mobile app occupies on your device. With this feature, you can get a clearer view of how much storage the SleekFlow mobile app is using, and you can also selectively delete media files that you no longer need.

To access the “Manage app storage” page, you can:

  • Go to “My profile”
  • Click on “Manage app storage”

You will find 3 different sections on the page:

  1. Storage: This section displays the total amount of storage used by media files in the SleekFlow mobile app, the total storage used by other applications and items on your device, and the remaining free space available
  2. All media: When clicked open, you will find all media files stored in the SleekFlow mobile app
  3. Media in conversations: You will see a list of conversations organized by the size of the media files they contain. Conversations are sorted so that those with the largest media file sizes appear at the top of the list. If you click on one of the conversations, you will be able to access a comprehensive list of all files that the SleekFlow mobile app has stored locally on your device


Bulk delete media files

To delete media files in a conversation in bulk, you can:

  • Click open the conversation in the Media in conversation list
  • Select the media files that you want to delete

  • Click the “Delete” button at the left bottom corner
  • A pop-up message will appear. Click “Delete”

  • The selected media files will be deleted from your mobile app storage

ℹ️ Please note that deleting media files from your mobile app storage will not remove them from the conversation with the customer. It will only delete the media files stored locally on your mobile device.



Re-download deleted media files

If you wish to download the deleted media files that were originally stored locally on your mobile device, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the conversation from which you wish to download the deleted media files
  2. Click the name of the contact in the conversation
  3. In the contact profile, click “View media and files”

  4. Select the media and files you want to download to your device
  5. Click “Download” in the bottom left corner
  6. The selected media and files will be downloaded to your SleekFlow mobile app and stored locally on your mobile device