🔒 The information in this section applies only to Admin account users
After you have connected your LINE Business channel to SleekFlow, you can follow the steps below to view and manage your connected LINE Business channel:
- Click the
icon on the left navigation bar to go to the “Channels” page
- Select “LINE Business”
You will find the connected LINE Business channel in the channel settings page
- On this LINE Business channel settings page, you will find the channel name and channel ID of the connected LINE Business channels.
Managing connected LINE Business channels
You can rename or remove the connected LINE Business channel from the LINE Business channel settings page.
Renaming your LINE Business channel
By renaming your LINE Business channel, you will only rename the display name shown in SleekFlow.
You can follow the steps below to rename a channel:
- In the LINE Business channel settings page, locate the channel you would like to rename
Click on the
icon and select “Rename”
Rename the channel in the “Channel name” text box
- Click “Save” and your channel name will be updated
Removing your LINE Business channel
This action is irreversible and may affect other services in SleekFlow (for example: Flow Builder). Please proceed with caution.
You can follow the steps below to remove your LINE Business channel from SleekFlow:
- In the LINE Business channel settings page, locate the account you would like to remove
Click on the
icon and select “Remove”
A warning window will appear. Click “Remove” to confirm the action
Your LINE Business channel will be removed from your SleekFlow account