Zapier integration

Connect your SleekFlow account to a variety of platforms through Zapier

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 11th, 2024

By integrating Zapier with SleekFlow, you can connect to thousands of apps, with some useful examples such as Google Sheets, Google Forms, Typeform, HubSpot, Shopify, WooCommerce, Calendly, Mailchimp, Stripe and many more.

Your API call usage limit is based on the subscription plan you are currently on. The API call limit is shared among the call requests via Platform API, and Zapier integrations. Your API call limit will be reset monthly according to your subscription cycle start date.



Access your Zapier API key


đź”’ The information in this section applies only to Admin account users


 In order to connect with Zapier, your Zapier API Key is required. To access your unique Zapier API key, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the icon on the left-hand navigation bar
  2. Under “Third-party integrations”, you will find “Zapier” integration
  3. Click “Connect”. You will then be redirected to the “Connect to Zapier” page
  4. Your Zapier API key is located under “Your unique API key”


Copy API key

  • To copy your API key, you can clikc on the button. Your API key will be copied to your clipboard


Reveal API key

  • If you want to reveal your API key, you can click on the icon to reveal your API key

Note: You should protect your API key to prevent unauthorized access to your data.



Refreshing your Zapier API key

Why should I refresh my API key?

There are several reasons why we recommend refreshing your Zapier API keys regularly, including

  • Security: Regularly changing API keys help mitigate the risk of unauthorized aacess. If a key is compromised, refresh your API key to lmiit the time an attacker can exploit it
  • Access control: By refreshing your API keys, you can manage and control who has access to your APIs, ensuring that only authorized users or applications can interact with your services
  • Revoking old keys: Refreshing keys allows you to easily remove old keys that may no longer be in use, reducing the attack surface of your application


How do I refresh my Zapier API key?

To refresh your API key, follow these steps below:

  1. Visit the “Connect to Zapier” page
  2. Click on the “Refresh API key” button

  3. A confirmation modal will show up. Click on “Refresh”

  4. Your API key will be refreshed, and you can view the last updated date of the API key under your API key


Visit the SleekFlow integration page here on Zapier and learn more about what you could do with the integration.